Im with the band:Updated Monday-Friday

About "Im with the band"

Um heyo, this is me filling out a bio thingy and having no idea what to write --; Welcome to the comic, let's all hope I actually update? ^_^;;; Anyway the comic is based on my band (or former band, now, since we're a different band now), Fencepost Mafia. The characters are based on people I know, but um they're exaggerated a little bit to make them more amusing XD;;;; Important info for your comic viewing pleasure: Dan's hair doesn't really look like that. Nathan DOES really look like he's 12, and my bass isn't really a Rickenbacker. I wish. -_-; And I'm probably not nearly as cool as I make myself out to be. :x But yeah, just for Mike's benefit~ YAY BISHIES :D I leave ^_^

Copyright Stephanie "the black leather lingerie wearing,
whip-weilding, bass drummist with a duct tape fetish" Yates ©2002

Site design by Mike Mayer
Made with 100% notepad ^__^